What is Kaasen?

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The Kaasen device is a hand-held targeted cryotherapy device which uses carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the form of a cold spray onto the surface of the skin. The instant cooling and pressure applied to the skin produces a localised cold shock effect.

What is Cryotherapy?

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Cryotherapy is the rapid cooling of the skin and underlying tissues to 4oC under pressure, to induce cold shock. Cold shock produces a favourable biological response from the body to the cold temperature.

What are the benefits of Kaasen?

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Pain Relief

In reaction to the extreme cold, hormones such as adrenaline and B-endorphins are released which are powerful natural pain killers. This provides immediate pain relief.

Reduced Inflammation

Stimulates immediate improvement in blood flow and lymphatic drainage. Promotes a reduction in swelling and soreness immediately.

Muscle Relaxation

Reduced Inflammation relives muscle tension, which increases the range of movement and allows faster rehabilitation.

Improved Performance

Regular Cryotherapy can help to increase stamina and endurance whilst reducing muscle fatigue and soreness.

Is Kaasen safe?

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Kaasen uses carbon dioxide, which is safe, inexpensive and effective for targeted treatments. Kaasen has dual temperature sensors, a cold shock indicator light, a treatment timer and an intelligent proximity sensor to ensure the optimal treatment every time.

Will I receive training?

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Yes, comprehensive training is provided with every Kaasen. A trainer will come to your premises and train you and anyone else that will be using the Kaasen. Aftersales support will also be provided. TruCryo and our distributors provide updates on training in the form of online videos and there is advanced training available also.  Training is compulsory before using the unit.

What are the benefits for your clinic?

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Quick Treatments

Massage and manipulation times can be halved without reducing effectiveness.

Easy Muscle Manipulation

Muscle loosened by up to 25% makes manipulation and massage easier and more comfortable , with less risk of fatigue or repetitive strain issues for the practitioner.

Increased Revenue

you are able to travel to competitions, events and even do home visits with the device.


Reduced treatment time means more client appointments caan be booked each day.

Delighted Customers

Positive outcomes will encourage customer satisfaction and increase the chance of repeat custom.

Looking To Distrubute?

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If your interested in becoming a distributor, follow the link to our parent website where you can find out how to beocme a stockist.

Become a Stockist

Looking To Purchase a Kaasen?

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If your interested in purchasing a Kaasen device, follow the link to get in touch.

Contact Us for Purchase
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